
Queen Aibell (a.k.a. Aoibheall)

Queen Aibell of Svartálfheim is an archfey of imposing presence and chilling elegance. As the ruler of this court, she embodies the cold, dark essence of her realm with an aura that can freeze even the warmest of hearts.   Aibell appears as a tall, striking dark elf with an ethereal, almost otherworldly beauty. Her skin is a deep, obsidian hue, contrasting sharply with her flowing, silver hair that cascades like a river of ice. Her eyes are a piercing, icy blue that seem to glow with an inner frost, conveying a sense of both majesty and menace. Her gaze alone can instill fear or respect, as if she can see straight into the soul of anyone who meets her eyes.   She dresses in intricate, darkly elegant garments made of materials that seem to shimmer with an icy sheen. Her attire often includes flowing robes adorned with frost-like patterns and a cloak that appears to be woven from shadows and cold mist. Aibell’s presence is always accompanied by a subtle, frigid wind that chills the air around her, emphasizing her connection to the eternal winter of Svartálfheim.   Aibell is known for her commanding presence and stern demeanor. Her rule is characterized by a strict adherence to tradition and an uncompromising enforcement of the laws of her court. She has a deep-seated distaste for men which influences her interactions and decisions. Despite her harshness, she is also a ruler of profound wisdom, her decisions always calculated to maintain the balance and power of Svartálfheim.   Her throne room is a grand, frost-covered hall with walls of black ice and floors that sparkle like a winter’s night. The chamber is illuminated by a pale, eerie light that seems to emanate from the ice itself, casting a cold, bluish glow over everything. The room is adorned with intricate frost sculptures and dark, ancient tapestries that tell the tales of Svartálfheim’s history and her reign.   Aibell’s court is filled with dark elegance and an ever-present sense of danger, reflecting her nature and the harsh, unforgiving world she rules. Her presence commands respect and fear, making her one of the most formidable and enigmatic figures in the fey realms.

Mental characteristics


  • Aibell must extinguish any light in her presence.
  • Aibell shall not touch any warmblood (humans or non-fey).
Current Location
Current Residence
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