Aine, The Elvendawn

The Elvendawn

The patron of the arcane arts and the fey, Aine oversees spring and is a patron of the arts. When the lands were first formed, it was Aine who walked the lands and sowed the seeds that would become the first forests of the world. They created openings in the mounds of the earth between this world and the Feywild, inviting the Elves and fey creatures to explore the young world. Because of this invitation, most elves revere Aine as the Mother and Father of all Elves. They are celebrated for their beauty and many lovers consider themselves under Aine’s influence.

They are the enemy of Lolth, the Spider Queen, as it was she who convinced the drow to leave the surface and go into the depths and darkness below, leading them away from their vision.

Aine is commonly depicted as a beautiful and graceful elven being. They are androgynous and alluring with long golden hair. 

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Create, inspire, and find beauty in everything you do.
  • Seek out and find ancient arts and magics throughout the realm--for within these lie Aine's first works.
  • Oppose and combat the followers of Lloth wherever they may be.


Their holy day is celebrated on Midsummer, when many openings between this world and the Feywild open.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Divine Classification