Ashen Lady

The Ashen Lady (a.k.a. The Lady of Ashes, The Patron of Coal and Fire)

The Ashen Lady embodies the essence of autumnal decay and fiery destruction. She is a tall, imposing figure with an ethereal, almost spectral presence. The Ashen Lady does not expose any of her skin. She wears a regal gown made from dark, tattered fabrics that seem to shimmer and smoke, as they they are woven from shadows and flame. Her cloak is like a billowing plume of smoke, trailing behind her as she moves. She wears a flat, featureless mask that covers her entire face with two holes just for her eyes, whose irises are as black as coal.   Her hair appears as a cascade of living flames, continuously burning and shifting in color from deep reds and oranges to flickering yellows. The flames seem to move with a life of their own, reflecting the mood of the Ashen Lady. The Ashen Lady is a figure of both grace and ruthlessness. She is highly intelligent and strategic, using her understanding of destruction and rebirth to maintain her court’s power. She commands respect through a combination of fear and awe, her presence alone capable of silencing dissent. Her demeanor is often cold and detached, though she can display intense passion and fury when provoked.   The Ashen Lady exudes a commanding presence. Her authority is unquestioned, and her decrees are absolute. She rules with a firm hand, ensuring that all within her court adhere to her laws and respect her power.   She is known for her unyielding nature. The Ashen Lady demands respect and obedience, and she does not tolerate disobedience or disrespect. Her punishments are severe, but always aligned with the principles of her court.   She serves as the embodiment of autumn and the transformative power of fire. Her influence extends beyond her court, affecting the broader realms of the fey and the natural world as it transitions through the seasons.

Mental characteristics


  • The Ashen Lady may not use flame for personal pleasure of indulgence.
  • She must see that the hearth by her throne is always burning.
  • Before any fire is started, it must be prepared not to spread--once started, it cannot be prematurely extinguished.
  • The Ashen Lady must never speak in anger.
  • Established etiquette and formalities of court must be adhered to whenever there is a visitor to her Court.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Cinder and Ash
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations