Belenos, The Shining One

The Shining One

Belenos is lord of the summer, the sun, and truth and light. With the light comes the truth and Belenos strives to shine the truth’s light to all. He is the supporter of the needy and the destroyer of evil. Many paladins follow Belenos since they follow a similar creed. Magisters often swear oaths to Belenos to preserve justice and truth, and it is believed that any lie stated under an oath to the Shining One will be brought about into the light. Belenos opposes Tiamat, and the followers of each consider one another mortal enemies. Whenever the threat of a Cult of Tiamat emerges or a terrible evil dragon threatens the land, the followers of Belenos are often the first to stand up to counter the threat.

Belenos is depicted as a being of fire and light within silver and gold armor. He rides upon a chariot pulled by a great white steed whose mane is made of flame and fire. In some instances, he is portrayed as a massive golden dragon.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Be ever vigilant for evil. People are quick to forget the lessons of the past.
  • The brightest light is the truth--never bring darkness with your words.
  • Deliver the light of Belenos wherever there is darkness, with kindness, compassion, and mercy.


His holy day is Highsummer, which marks the start of the harvesting of spring wheat. Loaves of bread are made from the first harvested wheat and are given to the poor and unfortunate as an offering and gift during this time.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Divine Classification