
(a.k.a. Brae)

An Unseelie Spriggan who overheard "something he shouldn't have" regarding the Barbed Countess of the Winter Court. After she sent her Thorned Knight after him, he fled through a portal from the Feywild, triggering it open with a key. However, he lost the key and the portal was due to open naturally during the full moon. Brae was injured and nursed to health by Cian MacMillan who brought the League to help. Brae realized that the Thorned Knight would pursue on the full moon and likely slay the MacMillan family and supposed that his best recourse would be to remake the key and enter the Feywild before the full moon in order to turn himself in and spare the MacMillan family. The League created the key-the hair of an ogre blessed by a hag--and opened the portal to find the Thorn Knight waiting. The party fought him back and Brae returned to the Feywild to protect Cian and his family.