Brimstone Cloak Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Brimstone Cloak

Wondrous item (cloak), uncommon (requires attunement by a Tiefling)   This black cloak with red trim always carries with it a faint scent of brimstone which grows stronger (repugnantly) upon activation. The cloak seems to have been crafted by a tiefling or the hands of a fiend.    This cloak allows the bearer to use a bonus action to activate the cloak, causing the strong scent of brimstone and sulfur to emit from the cloak, forcing anyone within 5 feet of the bearer to make a DC 14 CON saving throw or make their next attack at disadvantage. This effect does not affect the bearer, Tieflings, fiend (Devils), fiend (Demons), constructs, oozes, and undead. Furthermore, any creature swallowing the bearer must make a DC 18 CON saving throw or immediately regurgitate the bearer.


This cloak was gifted to Rieta after Malthus Normal spotted her in Eastbridge being teased and taunted by a group of locals for being a tiefling. While he offered the cloak to her freely, it did come with the implication that a favor would be required in return.
Item type
Current Holder
10 lbs