
Lord Cerunnos (a.k.a. Beastlord, Master of the Hunt)

Cerunnos is a powerful and enigmatic archfey who rules the Court of Hoof and Claw. He is a symbol of primal strength and the untamed forces of nature. Cerunnos is a towering figure of over eight feet in height with a fearsome presence. He has the antlers of a great stag, a muscular build, and a visage that blends human and beastly features. His eyes are piercing and reflect the wildness of the forest. He is often adorned in a mixture of natural materials, including bones, furs, and antlers, which emphasize his connection to the wild.   His most striking feature is the massive set of antlers that crown his head, each branch adorned with moss, hanging vines, and small tokens from past hunts—feathers, bones, and shards of stone. His eyes glow with a feral green light, piercing and filled with the untamed energy of the wild. His face is both regal and savage, with a thick beard that mingles with his wild mane of hair, which falls like a dark waterfall down his back. Cerunnos is often seen wearing a cloak made from the pelts of various beasts, clasped with a brooch carved from an ancient horn. Around his neck hangs a necklace of fangs and claws, trophies from the most formidable creatures he has hunted. He wields a great spear, tipped with a blade forged from meteoric iron, and a hunting horn carved from the horn of a long-extinct beast.     Cerunnos is the embodiment of the untamed wilderness—fierce, wild, and unyielding. He values strength, cunning, and the natural order above all else. Though he can be merciless and savage, especially when defending his territory or during the Wild Hunt, Cerunnos is not without honor. He respects those who prove themselves in the wild, regardless of their origin or background, and holds a deep reverence for the cycles of nature.   He has little patience for those who attempt to bend nature to their will or who seek to disrupt the balance of life and death. Cerunnos is a leader who commands through fear and respect, but also through a deep understanding of the natural world. His bond with the creatures of the forest is profound, and he can communicate with them as easily as with his fey subjects.   Cerunnos possesses immense physical strength and is a master of both hand-to-hand combat and hunting. His connection to nature grants him the ability to control and summon beasts of the wild, from the smallest creatures to the mightiest predators. He can command the elements of the forest—calling forth thorns, brambles, and roots to entangle his enemies or shield his allies. His presence can stir the wilds to life, causing trees to grow and rivers to swell at his will.   As the leader of the Wild Hunt, Cerunnos can summon his spectral riders to pursue and capture those who have broken the laws of the wild. His hunting horn, when blown, can strike terror into the hearts of even the bravest warriors, signaling that the Hunt has begun.   Cerunnos is revered and feared throughout the fey realms. To some, he is a protector of the natural world, while to others, he is a terrifying force of nature that cannot be tamed. Tales of his hunts and his court’s savage ways are whispered in both fey and mortal lands, ensuring that his legend endures across the ages.   Cerunnos stands as a reminder that, no matter how much the world changes, the wilds and their primal forces will always exist—untamed, unbroken, and unconquered.

Mental characteristics


  • Never domesticate
  • Never retreat in battle
  • Offer no falsehood
  • Do not eat cultivated food
  • Do not allow the hunt to end without a kill
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Hoof and Claw
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations