Clasp of the Raven Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Clasp of the Raven

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)   This finely woven clasp of a silver knotwork raven can be used to hold back hair, as well as a cloak or kilt. It is not a completely uncommon design and the magics held within the raven clasp are used by monarchs and generals alike.   Once per long rest, the bearer may use an action to transform this clasp into a magical raven that can deliver a message of 20 words or fewer to anyone in a 50 mile radius, provided the bearer knows their name and face. When the raven returns, it reverts into its clasp form. If the bird should die en route, it reverts to its amulet form and unattunes from the bearer. The functions of the clasp can only be used once per long rest.


The particular origins of this clasp are unknown, but it was found by the League within the gathered loot of a pack of gnolls that were terrorizing the farmlands outside of Eastbridge.
Item type
Current Holder
1 lb