Daoine Ethnicity in Moontide Isles | World Anvil


The Daoine (pronounced 'dweenah' and meaning simply 'the People') are the descendants of the first humans to settle on the Moontide Isles. Their settlements were primarily on the southern Moontide islands. The first generations of the Daoine have lived on the isles while the Fey inhabited and controlled the islands and that early relationship has influenced and guided the culture of the Daoine. The Daoine society is mainly agricultural and they employ a traditional feudal system of government, though at various times the individual petty monarchs have submitted to the rule of a High King or High Queen who traditionally rules from the capital of Caer Ceredig.   The original Daoine immigration to the Moontide islands occurred at roughly 1350 BDR, where they migrated from Verecht in the mainland after facing persecution from local rulers on religious differences. This migration caused the Daoine to lose much of their original racial heritage, although their culture was quite distinct from their mainland cousins and held to a strong druidic tradition. Over the years many of the Daoine have mixed blood with Outlanders, giving their peoples a wide variety of appearances. However, the original Daoine settlers tended to have a phenotype that ranged from very pale to olive skin. They tended to have white skin and light eyes with medium to dark hair or tan skin with brown eyes and brown hair.   The Daoine spend most of their time on peaceful pastimes such as farming, fishing, hunting, and trading. They are also accomplished shipbuilders, able to design ships capable of withstanding some of the roughest seas.   While religion and worship by the Daoine is diverse, the worship of Suceluus is the most predominant. And even among the worship of the other gods and those who do not worship at all, many tenets and beliefs based on druidic dictates are still worked into the customs. The idea that the world is a living, breathing being that needs to be nourished over exploited has worked its way into most daily beliefs.   While the Common trade language is known by most everyone, the Daoine language of Laulati is still employed between locals.   The Daoine tend to have overall good relations with the Elves on the isles, with the exception of a few border disagreements that neither side enforces stringently. Many Halfling communities fit in well with the Daoine and many of those Halflings are essentially considered and treated as Daoine. There is less social contact with the Dwarves of the isles, though there is fair and cordial trade between communities. The Daoine have had long-term conflict with the other group of humans who inhabit the islands, the Northlanders. The more peaceful Daoine were upset by the aggressive behavior of the Northlanders, who would raid Daoine settlements. Northlanders quieted down somewhat and submitted to the (nominal) rule of the High King when the Oleander Throne was repelled. The High King too further initiatives to bridge the gap between the peoples by taking a Northlander wife. Some discontent rose again after she died in childbirth, and the High King abdicated his throne to his half-Daoine, half-Northlander daughter to help rebuild the peace between the peoples. In recent years, further cultural advances in peace were made by marriages between Daoine and Northlander commoners, almost forcing families to tolerate one another.
Race: Human
Regions: Moontide Isles
Deities: Any, Predominantly Sucellus
Starting Languages: Common, Laulati
Encompassed species
Languages spoken