Drow Slave Collar Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Drow Slave Collar

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)   This steel collar was crafted by dark elves and has a few drow runes marked along the outside of the collar symbolizing property and ownership. The inside of the collar has tiny barbs to catch the skin, making it uncomfortable to wear, but painful to try to remove.   A steel collar with its inner band lined with tiny iron spikes, made to catch onto a prisoner’s skin, causing constant pain and making it much more difficult to forcefully remove. Each collar is also enchanted with a slight divination effect to locate the wearer. The creature who puts the Drow Slave Collar onto another creature knows the general direction and distance (i.e. north, a few hundred feet) of the wearer. To remove the collar from yourself, you must succeed on either a DC 20 Sleight of Hand or a DC 25 Strength check. Each attempt to remove the collar, whether successful or not, causes 1d6 piercing damage from the barbs ripping at the skin of the wearer.


This piece was obviously crafted by drow slavers as it has a few drow markings on the iron. This collar was found in the necromancer, Mystafiestal's lair after the party slew him.
Item type
Current Holder
2 lbs