Elmas, King of the Unicorns

Elmas, known as the King of the Unicorns, was supposed to have first set foot on the Moontide Isles around 3000 BDR, almost 2000 years before the first humans settled on the isles. Most of the original stories of Elmas were recalled and told by the Elves of the isles who were there before the humans. Elmas was known to be a friendly guardian of the Isles. By tales, nothing occurred on the isles without Elmas' notice. He would hear each breathy tune sung by the elves, know where every caterpillar spins its cocoon, and each leaf and branch upon which a butterfly would rest its wings. He was fleetingly seen, but to overlook the lands of the isles.   Elmas' appearance is that of a large black furred unicorn. His horn curves upward instead of standing straight, and it seems to be of a golden form rather than an ivory-like form.   The Elven legends say that Elmas was the Fey Queen's personal steed and though he was king of his kind, he would submit himself only to the Queen of the Fey, though she respected him enough that, despite being her steed, she would never ride upon him. It was at her request the Elmas set hoof on the Moontide Isles and became its guardian. He took no lair or grove, but instead took the whole of the isles as his territory. As such, he could be anywhere on the isles when needed, and knew of every action that took place upon it. There are old tales of Elmas speaking to Elven leaders when he needed them to take action on his behalf. There are also stories of an Elven Queen falling in battle against Formorians and Elmas riding through the battle to touch the Queen with his horn and bring her back from the dead and rejoining the battle. Some tales say that Elmas let her ride upon his back to lead the charge that routed the Formorian armies. These tales show the bond that Elmas had with the Elves and the trust between he and them.   Over the centuries, Elmas would appear less and less and no longer communicated directly with the Elves of the isles. He would be seen at a distance, but never approach, nor allow himself to be approached. Tales of Elmas' influence, however, continued even as his appearances became less frequent. It is said that if he is in a forest, no natural fire will light--torches and campfires will extinguish and cannot be reignited. If Elmas is present, no quarry can be hunted and woodsmen will find no sign or trace of any animal until he leaves.   The Daoine have had little interactions with Elmas throughout their history and his tales have had little more impact on their culture other than typical stories of unicorns and groves would have. The Northlanders have no cultural references or significance toward Elmas or any unicorns in particular.   It is said, however, that in 285 DR, former High King Lugh Dunaid, was seen conversing with Elmas in Myrloch Vale just before the King's disappearance into the Vale. The Elves of the area had seen Elmas watching over the vale for a fortnight after Lugh's disappearance, though he spoke to no other.


Stories about Elmas are typically reserved to Elven communities on the Moontide Isles. There are a few Daoine stories about him, though they are typically stories that were originally related by the Elves. There are no cultural references or significance to Elmas in Nothlander or Oleander tales.

In Art

There are a great many songs and works of art depicting Elmas among the Elven peoples of the Isles. There are great Elven ballads about his aid to the Queen while battling the Formorians.