Fractured Princess

Fractured Princess

The Fractured Princess, ruler of the Court of Shattered Mirrors, appears as a child of 10 or 12, with wide, innocent eyes that twinkle with mischief. Her golden hair is often adorned with glittering shards of glass, and she wears a dress that seems to shimmer and shift, as if woven from the light of countless broken mirrors. Despite her youthful appearance and constant air of joviality, there is something deeply unsettling about her presence.   Her laughter echoes through the court, bright and cheerful, but always with a haunting undercurrent, like the distant sound of glass cracking. She speaks in riddles and half-truths, her words laced with a deceptive sweetness that can quickly turn dangerous. Her smile is ever-present, but those who look closely can see the sadness and malice hidden beneath its surface, as though each piece of her fractured mind holds a different emotion, all warring for dominance and when she passes by a fractured mirror, each shard reflects a dark vision of her true form.   The Fractured Princess delights in games, especially those that involve trickery, deceit, and illusion. She is fond of leading others through mazes of mirrors, where each reflection distorts their perceptions until they can no longer tell reality from illusion. To her, life itself is a game, and she plays it with the carefree innocence of a child—though the stakes are often far more serious than her demeanor suggests.   Despite her playful nature, the Fractured Princess is a being of immense power. She controls the very fabric of the Court of Shattered Mirrors, able to manipulate reflections, twist realities, and shatter minds with a mere thought. Those who underestimate her due to her youthful appearance quickly learn that beneath her childlike exterior lies a mind as sharp and dangerous as the glass that surrounds her.   She is served by her guardian, Bloody Mary, who is never far--as she only need say her name three times and she will appear. Bloody Mary appears as a gaunt, sickly woman with a chalky white pallor and deep, dark eyes deeply sunken in. Black tangles of hair hang down over her and she stands seven feet in height. She has long claws that are caked in old blood. She does not speak and obeys the Fractured Princess completely. It is said that Mary was once a girl, deathly ill, and as she lay in bed, her father put a mirror to her nose to see if there was breath, but the mirror shattered as she died, trapping her soul in the mirror's shards where the Fractured Princess found her.   The Fractured Princess embodies the court’s essence of fragmentation and distortion. Her own identity is splintered, each piece reflecting a different aspect of her being—joy, malice, innocence, and madness. She is both a victim and master of the court’s chaos, ruling over her shattered realm with a cruel but playful hand, always smiling, always laughing, as she watches the pieces of her world—and those who enter it—fall apart.

Mental characteristics


The Fractured Princess's mind is shattered and her reality and perception constantly change. Any taboo she has one moment, may be gone in the next, replaced with the exact opposite.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Shattered Mirrors
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations