Grim Valgardsson

The Wisened Jarl

The Northlander patron of Leaders and Decisions, Grim Valgardsson is a former jarl that most every Northlander has heard of. Grim was a jarl who first unified the people of Rhytham under his leadership. He is known in lore for being wise and thoughtful, never rushing in judgment or letting passion cloud his thought. It is said that he once played Tempest in a game of hnefatafl, a strategy wargame, and won due to his thoughtful long term vision and luring Tempest into rash openings, seeing only the short term gain. It is said that Tempest was so enraged at Grim that he called forth a terrible storm to wreak devastation, but Grim's calm center and focus created calm in the center of the storm, which is why hurricanes now have calm eyes in the centers of the storms.   While it is unknown if the stories of playing strategy games with a god is true or just a fanciful tale, what is known is that as Jarl, Grim lead his people to conquest and glory. Much like the tales of his game of hnefatafl, he would draw in enemies with short term gains only to crush them with his longer strategy. Grim died an old man on his sick bed and was buried in a cairn on Rhytham. It is said that a rain fell everywhere on Rhytham that day, save for the cairn.   It is believed by the Northlanders that after his death, Tempest brought his spirit to him to play hnefatafl once again in a rematch, waging his soul to Tempest. Grim won once again and was given the ability to walk among the gods where he took on the mantle of sharing his wisdom of leadership in the dreams of those who prayed to him.

Divine Domains


Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Think before you act. Think before you speak. Let those around you reveal their flaws first.
  • Bring glory to the Northlanders through deeds and accomplishments.
  • Never send another to do anything that you would not be willing to do yourself.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Divine Classification