Grudgetaker Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil


Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)   This large, two-handed maul is crafted by dwarven hand and is wrought from white steel and the large head of the hammer is crafted to look like the head of an armored ram with gold horns curling back, and gold spikes on the ram's head's barding. The staff of the maul is wrapped in thick leather bands and the Dwarven runes for the name Boradrak are carved into the base of the staff and the runes reading "Grudgetaker" are carved into the head of the maul.   You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.   When attuned to this weapon the bearer can will a nemesis for the weapon by spending 10 minutes in concentration, thinking of a target creature you are familiar with. Attacks from this weapon deal and additional 2d6 psychic damage against the target. The nemesis cannot be changed until they are dead or destroyed. After the death of a nemesis a new one cannot be named for one week.   Bonebreaker: If the d20 roll for an attack with this weapon is a 19 or 20, you can force the creature that suffers damage from this weapon to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, in addition to any damage caused. On a failed save, its movement speed is halved until the creature either is healed by a spell or ability, or completes a long rest.   Proficiency with a maul allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


This maul was recovered by Bolvaic at a mountaintop open-air shrine for the crafting god, Ctenmillar, after being led to it by Aralmeni Caskgood, a dwarven worshipper of the god. Upon recovering the maul, Bolvaic discovered that there was a "grudge" left in the weapon, presumably left in it by his grandfather, against the frost giant known as Fulskorri.


Brourgrath Boradrak cleaved the hand from the frost giant during a raid, but the frost giant slew his brother. Brourgrath swore vengeance on the giant and began to hunt him down. However, when his wife Handilin said that she was with child, he knew that it was too dangerous to continue his hunt, but his grudge was too strong to go away. Brourgrath crafted a weapon, Grudgetaker, to place his grudge and enmity toward Fulskorri within so that the grudge could live on, but Brourgrath could move on.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder