
In Rhytham there is a large ancient archway of stone that has been there, predating the humans who inhabited the island. Along the archway are inlaid a number of deep runes carved in the stone. According to Northlander lore, the runes were letters in a secret language of Fate. The runes were not created by men and even predated the gods. They believed that all of history: past, present, and future is recorded in the secret language of runes. However, the meaning of the mysterious runes went unknown for generations of Northlanders on Rhytham.    Then, one day, a Northlander woman by the name of Halldis went to the archway. She saw the runes and felt their calling. She hung herself upside down from the archway, piercing her skin to bleed onto the stones beneath her. As her blood dripped down, it lay in the form of the runes and through the anguish and risk, Halldis came to understand what the runes were and what they meant.   The whole history is recorded on runes somewhere, but the runes--the letters themselves--hold power in them. Halldis learned that by carving the runes onto sticks or stones or bone and casting them out and watching how they laid, she could divine into fragments of this great history. She was the first Northlander to divine with runecasting and she taught the art to others of her people. Runecasting has been a part of Northlander culture ever since.   Once asked if Halldis saw her own Fate and knew how she would die, she simply responded that she runes told her that she would not. No one knows what exactly happened to Halldis, there is no cairn dedicated to her passing. She simply... faded away. However, many believed that reading the great history gave her divinity and that Halldis continues, guiding those who cast runes with her favor.

Divine Domains


Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Teach of runecasting to any who would learn. It is a knowledge for all to know.
  • Divine for any who ask. Read the histories for those who would wish to know it.
  • The future is the same as the past. Do not worry what you have done anymore than what will become of you.
Alignment: Neutral
Divine Classification