Handaxes of Scaling Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Handaxes of Scaling

Weapon (handaxe), uncommon (requires attunement)   This pair of handaxes seem relatively simple in appearance, though their handles show signs of wear.   These two handaxes are attuned as a pair. When wielding both handaxes, the bearer has advantage on all rolls to climb while using the axes. In addition, these axes have a superior gripping surface on their handle and are impossible to let go of against the wielder’s own will (or unconsciousness).


These axes were recovered from the dark elf necromancer, Mysafiestal, after the party slew him. The axes were then claimed by Tertius Greyhall.


These are the first magic item that Tertius has claimed and attuned to. Although recovering a magical sword was what was on his list of deeds to perform to become a man, he counted these as completing the item.
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