Hide Armor of the Bear Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Hide Armor of the Bear

Armor (hide), uncommon (requires attunement by a barbarian)   Crafted from the thick hide of a grizzly bear, this armor is thick and adorned with the claws and teeth of the bear as fasteners and decorative pieces. The origin of this armor is unknown, but it was once owned by Obadiah Larsen. After his disappearance, it was left behind for Levi Kilgore--though it is uncertain if it was truly his grandfather or not who left it for him.   The bearer can detect and distinguish scents like a bear and gains advantage on Wisdom (Perceptions) checks that use smell. Also, during the full moon this armor grants the bearer a +1 to Armor Class. Once per short rest, the bearer can take a reaction to redirect a melee attack that was on another person within 5 feet target him instead. The reaction can be made after the attack roll to hit is made, but must be declared before damage is rolled.   Furthermore, the attuned wearer gains proficiency in Intimidation (or expertise if they already have proficiency) and gain advantage on all intimidation rolls. The attuned wearer also gains proficiency in Athletics (or expertise if they already have proficiency) and gain advantage on all athletics climbing rolls.


This set of hide armor has been in Levi's family for generations and is passed down to the current protector of Hofsa on the isle of Llywelyn.


This set of armor was once owned by Obadiah Larsen, Levi Kilgore's grandfather and werebear protector of the village of Hofsa on the isle of Llywelyn. The people of Hofsa recognize the armor and view it as a symbol of protection--something that they now turn to Levi for when needed.
Item type
Current Holder
12 lbs