
King Hyrsam

Hyrsam, the King of Fools, is a being of wild, untamable energy, embodying the chaotic spirit of both nature and mischief. As the ruler of the Court of Fools, he stands apart from both the Seelie and Unseelie fey, mocking their rigid hierarchies and decorum with an irreverent, gleeful sense of anarchy. His very presence is a challenge to the order and seriousness of other courts.   Hyrsam’s form is a vibrant, ever-shifting parody of the traditional satyr. His goat-like legs are covered in mismatched fur—one leg dark and shaggy, the other pale and sleek—while his horns are closer to multi-pointed antlers than ram's horns. His skin shimmers with the ethereal glow of fey magic, constantly changing in hue from pale green to sunlit gold, like the flicker of a trickster’s illusion.   His face is a blend of youthful beauty and sly mockery, with sparkling eyes that change color depending on his mood—sometimes filled with the mischief of a prankster, other times with the wisdom of one who knows more than he lets on. His wild, unkempt hair is adorned with wildflowers, feathers, and carnival trinkets, and it tumbles down his back in a cascade of tangled chaos.   Hyrsam is rarely seen without his lute, an instrument that appears weathered and ancient but produces the most enchanting and absurd melodies. The songs he plays can incite laughter, bewilderment, or even uncontrollable dancing. His clothes are as contradictory as the rest of him—a patchwork of royal silks, ragged jester garb, and shimmering leaves that defy both sense and style.   As the King of Fools, Hyrsam embodies the spirit of rebellion against convention. He sees both the Seelie and Unseelie courts as bloated and weighed down by their own self-importance, and his court exists as a playful yet biting mockery of their power. Though he appears whimsical and lighthearted, there is a deep cunning beneath his playful demeanor. He understands the power of humor, not just as entertainment but as a means of cutting through pretensions and revealing uncomfortable truths.   Hyrsam revels in turning expectations upside down. He is as likely to offer sage wisdom in the guise of a joke as he is to deliver nonsense wrapped in the guise of advice. For him, there is no greater joy than unseating those who believe themselves powerful, exposing their vanity through satire and wit. Yet, he is not cruel. His mockery, while sharp, is not malicious—unless he is crossed. Those who try to dominate or manipulate his court often find themselves at the receiving end of his most dangerous form of humor: mockery that cuts deep enough to destroy reputations.   Hyrsam’s mastery of magic and music is unparalleled among the fey. His songs carry a power that few can resist, capable of enchanting minds, forcing enemies to dance uncontrollably, or causing even the most stoic individuals to burst into laughter. His music can warp reality itself, creating illusions so real they might as well be the truth—at least for as long as the audience believes them. His laughter alone can shake the fabric of fey magic, twisting spells and unraveling enchantments with a giggle.   Beyond his music, Hyrsam commands the loyalty of a vast array of chaotic fey who thrive in the Court of Fools, each serving him not through duty, but through a shared love of mischief and disorder. They see him not as a traditional ruler but as the ultimate expression of their own chaotic desires. Hyrsam has no need for traditional displays of power; his authority comes from his ability to turn any situation into a stage for absurdity, where the foolish become wise and the mighty become the punchline.   Though Hyrsam mocks the other courts, he is not without friends (or enemies) among the archfey. He has a complex relationship with other fey rulers, especially those who take themselves too seriously. His interactions with them range from friendly, lighthearted jests to scathing satire that exposes their hypocrisies. Hyrsam respects those who can laugh at themselves, but those who cling too tightly to their pride or power often find themselves the target of his pranks.   Some Seelie lords view Hyrsam as a dangerous threat to the order and decorum of their realm, while others find him a necessary counterbalance to their court’s excesses. Among the Unseelie, he is both admired for his cunning and loathed for his refusal to fall in line with their ambitions. To both courts, Hyrsam remains an enigma—neither ally nor enemy, but a force of chaos that cannot be controlled.   In his own court, Hyrsam is the heart of the chaos. He leads his subjects in an endless parade of mischief, revelry, and nonsense, but there is always a deeper purpose behind the madness. The Court of Fools is not just a place of laughter and pranks; it is a court of satire, where the powerful are made ridiculous, and the serious are humbled. Hyrsam’s ultimate goal is not anarchy for its own sake but the freedom to defy expectation and challenge the assumptions of those who think they rule the fey.   Hyrsam invites all to join his court—whether Seelie, Unseelie, or mortal—but only those who can embrace the absurd and laugh at themselves truly belong.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Fools
Multicolored patches of fur
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization