Leather Armor of Teeth Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Leather Armor of Teeth

Armor (leather armor), uncommon   This suit of leather armor appears to be simple black leather, however, there are a number of small thorns and barbed that are hidden just below the surface of the leather, ready to protrude whenever gripped too tightly.   Whenever a creature begins their turn grappling or being grappled by the wearer, they take 1d4 piercing damage as small spikes protrude from the armor.   The breastplate and shoulder protectors of this armor are made of leather that has been stiffened by being boiled in oil. The rest of the armor is made of softer and more flexible materials.


This suit of armor was taken from a gnoll that was slain by the party during an encounter outside of Eastbridge. The circumstances of the creation of the item is unknown.
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