Lots of Portent Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Lots of Portent

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)     A small leather satchel with a draw string that contains seven wooden sticks of different sizes and of different woods. The lots are made from oak, ash, apple, hazel, alder, elder, and yew trees. By casting the lots onto the ground before you, you can divine into the future.     When you cast the lots before you, roll two d20s and record the numbers rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with one of these foretelling rolls. You must choose to do so before the roll, and you can replace a roll in this way once per turn.   Each foretelling can be used only once. When you finish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling rolls.


The lots were found among the items of a lycanthrope of the Blood Tribes that was working with the Orleander forces. Illevaere claimed the lots from the corpse after he was defeated.
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