Miseria, Mother of Shivers

Mother of Shivers

Miseria, the Mother of Shivers, was a deity who personifies fear in all its forms, from the subtle dread that creeps into the hearts of mortals to the overwhelming terror that grips the soul in times of great danger. She was often depicted as a shadowy figure draped in black and grey, her form ever-shifting like mist or smoke, with eyes that pierce the darkest corners of the mind. Her touch is said to send chills through the body, making the hair stand on end and the blood run cold.   Miseria was not born of light or darkness, but from the primal fear of the unknown—the fear of death, failure, and suffering. She thrived in the places where doubt festered, and uncertainty reigned. Unlike gods of wrath or violence, she did not seek to destroy, but rather to control through fear, believing it to be the most powerful tool to govern mortals. To her, fear was both a weapon and a gift, one that keeps people cautious, respectful of danger, and humble in the face of the vast unknown.   She sent visions of impending doom or provoke irrational fears to bring mortals to their knees, not out of cruelty, but to ensure that they remain vigilant. Her influence was strongest during moments of indecision and despair, when her whispers of dread could steer a person’s fate.   Her worshippers, though few, tended to be those who live on the edge of danger: warriors, rulers, and scholars who sought to understand fear and turn it to their advantage. In her rituals, they invoked her through the sound of rattling bones and the shivering of cold winds, calling upon her power to protect them from what they fear most, or to wield fear against their enemies.   Those who venerated Miseria did so with deep respect, understanding that fear is a constant companion, and that only by acknowledging and mastering it can they find true strength. They were often tasked with confronting their own fears head-on, not to banish them, but to become one with the force that Miseria represents.   Upon Nyctelios' return to this reality whereupon his mind was overwhelmed, he sought to free all aspects of the gods and he slew Miseria. And with her demise, fear was set free into the word, which is why it is often irrational and overwhelming with no control.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Fear is the first teacher. It is not a weakness but a guide. Learn from it, for it reveals your vulnerabilities and prepares you for the unknown.
  • Master, do not deny fear. Let it sharpen your instincts and make you vigilant. Use it as a tool, not a chain.
  • Weave fear into strength. Understand the fears of others, and use that knowledge to gain power. Fear can be a shield or a sword, depending on how it is wielded.
Alignment: Neutral
Divine Classification
Deity, deceased