Morganos, The Raven Queen

The Raven Queen

Morganos oversees winter, as well as being the patron of war, destiny, fate, and death. Morganos does not believe in wild and chaotic warfare, but rather rituals of warfare, regimented and honorable. Her harbingers are crows and ravens and seeing one before battle means that Morganos is watching you. The crows and ravens that fly to the carrion at the end of a battle are said to be her agents collecting the souls of the deceased to usher and guide them to the underworld where Morganos resides. Morganos is an enigmatic goddess. She is said to know the fate of everyone, since they will all one day join her. Her collection of the dead is a duty, however, and not a punishment, and is simply a part of the natural order of things. This belief, however, holds that the undead are unnatural and blasphemous in their mere existence as they corrupt the order that Morganos so steadfastly maintains.

Morganos is rarely depicted herself. When she is depicted, she is a pale woman with raven feathers for hair. More often, a raven or a crow is used instead in her depiction.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Death is the natural end of life. There is no pity for those who have fallen.
  • The path of Fate is sacrosanct. Those who pridefully attempt to cast off their destiny must be punished.
  • Undeath is a blasphemy. Those who would pervert the transition of the soul must be brought down.


Her holy day is Winter’s Night, the eve of the year’s longest night. It is this night when Morganos will let the dead speak to their families and descendants.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Divine Classification