
In the Moontide Isles, where the rugged coastline and misty forests are steeped in fey magic, orcs are a people both feared and revered. Unlike the savage marauders of other lands, the orcs of the Isles have a complex relationship with the fey and the natural world. Their culture, shaped by the ebb and flow of fey influence and the harsh beauty of the isles, blends primal strength with a deep reverence for the land, sea, and sky.   Orcs here live in tightly-knit clans, often dwelling in the wild places of the Isles, from craggy highlands to dense, fey-touched woodlands. Their settlements are often built around sacred sites—stone circles, ancient trees, or places where the veil between worlds is thin. These locations are both spiritual centers and places of power, where orcs commune with fey beings, seek omens from the natural world, and perform rites that honor their ancestors and the spirits of the land. Many orcs see themselves as guardians of these sacred spaces, tasked with protecting the balance between the mortal and fey realms.   Orcish culture in the Moontide Isles is highly spiritual, with a deep emphasis on cycles—life and death, war and peace, the turning of the seasons. Their shamans, known as "Moon-Speakers," are deeply attuned to the fey-touched magic of the Isles, calling on both the spirits of their ancestors and the fey courts for guidance. These spiritual leaders are said to wield the power of the moon and tides, using this magic to aid their clans in times of need.   The orcs of the Isles are also fierce warriors, known for their skill in both raiding and defense. Their weaponry and tactics are influenced by the sea and storms, with lightning-fast strikes and brutal efficiency in battle. However, they do not raid merely for plunder but as part of a tradition tied to the cycles of the land—taking only what is needed and ensuring the spoils of war are shared among the clan. The concept of honor is vital to orcish society, though it manifests more in loyalty to clan and kin than in adherence to strict codes.   The fey influence is ever-present in orcish life. Fey beings are both allies and adversaries, with some orc clans even having pacts with specific fey courts. These pacts grant them boons—such as control over storms, enhanced physical strength, or the ability to navigate the mists that surround the Isles—but at a price. The fey demand respect, and breaking such pacts can bring misfortune to an entire clan.   Though many human inhabitants of the Isles view the orcs as dangerous outsiders, there is a grudging respect for their deep connection to the land and the fey. Some human leaders even seek alliances with orcish clans, recognizing their unique understanding of the fey and their power in battle. This makes the orcs of the Moontide Isles both feared and admired, a people who embody the wild, untamed spirit of the Isles themselves.