
Psilofyr (a.k.a. Carrion King, Spore King)

Psilofyr is an archfey of the myconid race, also known as the Carrion King for their relation to renewal through decomposition. They are a unique entity not bound to a singular form, but rather existing in many places simultaneously. Their consciousness resides within a singular and extensive funal root system that expands the entire realm, as well as extending into the mortal plane.   To make a physical appearance, Psilofyr can quickly assume a fungoid form and manifest before whatever creature or object they desired to interact with. They can possess bodies in different places at once, but each could appear wildly different. Some of their known forms include titanic toadstools with numerous pseudopods, morels with multiple eyes and mouths, rock-like truffles with toothy maws, giant red and white toadstools, and blue slime molds with a plethora of eyes and limbs.   These numerous iterations are dozens of feet tall, long, and/or wide, and are surrounded by a small field of fungus wherever they appeared. They are often depicted as a king of fungal world tree with their innumerable mycelia reaching throughout the planes.   Despite being as unpredictable and dangerous as other archfey, they lack the self centered attitude and mindsets of their peers. Unlinke many other archfey, they possess a genuine fondness for the vigor and drive of short-lived mortals, rather than seeing them as playthings, pawns, or vermin.   Their virtues aside, however, the Carrion King was undeniably mad, as the more forms they divided themself between the more unrepresentative of their whole self these aspects became. Generally benevolent, the manifested personalities could range in behavior from playful friendliness to quiet nobility and ruthless objectivity, with some aspects even becoming antithetical to the desires of the whole. Occasional rogue versions of the Carrion King form and are highly dangerous, sometimes even waging war between other versions of himself. Most of these forms tend to believe themselves to hold Psilofyr's true mind.   The core philosphy of the Carrion King was that by which the needs of the many outweigh those of the few. The death of individuals was rarely considered important for both myconids and non-fungus friends alike, as the virtues of self-sacrifice and community duty was highlyprevelent both in themself and their people. The Carrion King does not hevily value the lives of his individual aspects, as more could always be conjured in most situations. In their mind, death is just a step in the formation of a new lifeform, and the dead do not die in vain as they continue to give back to the world at large.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Carrion
Androgynous, varies
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations