Runed Scale Item in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Runed Scale

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a path of the ancestral guardian barbarian)   This item was found in the ruins of Bolvaic's clan--the white scale of a dragon that is presumably the dragon that killed his clan. However, the mark of a dwarven rune on the scale leads to suspicion that perhaps Bolvaic is not the only dwarf who survived the attack.   The Runed Scale is a single stark white dragon scale with the rune for "Wholeness" etched into it, able to be worn with twine as a necklace. The bearer of the Runed Scale reduces fire damage inflicted to them by 1. Also, the bearer can call upon their clan's ancestors to guide them once per long rest, giving them advantage on any one skill check. Finally, the bearer has advantage on any death saving throws while they are attuned to the item and have it in their possession.


Bolvaic uncovered more information about the dragon who slew his clan, as apparently Wendall Wallace was tracking the creature and uncovered its lair. Bolvaic went to scout out the dragon’s supposed lair and found that it was once likely a lair, but the dragon had since moved on. However, while paying his respects to his clan’s destroyed home, he found a single white dragon rune with the Dwarven rune for “wholeness” carved onto it. While the runed scale led Bolvaic to wonder if any others of his clan survived, it also helped to tie him into the spirits of his clan who were lost.


This rune is presumably from the dragon who slew Bolvaic's clan as he found it in the ruins of his clan home. It had a dwarven rune etched onto it, giving suspicion that perhaps other members of the clan might have survived. However, finding and attuning to the scale helped Bolvaic bolster his connection to the spirits of his ancestors and his slain clansmen.
Item type
Current Holder
1 lb