Sisig, Keeper of Dreams

Keeper of Dreams

Sisig, the Keeper of Dreams, presided over the realm of dreams, imagination, and the subconscious. Often depicted as an androgynous figure with a form that shifts like clouds at twilight, Sisig existed in the liminal space between waking and sleeping, where reality dissolves into the ethereal. Their eyes were said to reflect the ever-changing colors of the dreamscape, from tranquil blues and purples to the wild, vivid hues of fantasy and nightmare. Sisig’s presence was often felt as a soft whisper on the edge of consciousness, guiding mortals through their deepest thoughts and hidden desires.   As the guardian of dreams, Sisig did not control them entirely but serves as their keeper, allowing the dreamer to explore the vast and shifting landscapes of their mind. They were seen as a benevolent but enigmatic figure, guiding dreamers through both wondrous fantasies and haunting nightmares, believing that all dreams—whether beautiful or terrifying—offer valuable insight into the self.   Sisig's domain was vast and ever-changing, a boundless dreamscape where time and space had no meaning. It is said that every mortal’s dreams are like stars in a vast night sky, each one a reflection of their hopes, fears, and memories. Sisig watched over them all, ensuring that dreams remain a bridge between the mortal world and the deeper mysteries of existence.   Legends told of Sisig visiting those on the cusp of great decisions or turmoil, offering cryptic visions that, while often confusing, carry deep significance. The god never revealed clear answers but instead left subtle signs, encouraging mortals to trust their intuition and explore their unconscious desires and fears. For this reason, Sisig was revered by mystics, seers, artists, and poets who sought inspiration and insight through their dreams.   Though generally seen as a neutral force, Sisig could also stir dreams into nightmares, testing a dreamer’s resolve or pushing them to confront their innermost demons. It was said that the most important lessons often came from these darker visions, where the dreamer had to face the raw truth about themselves.   Sisig’s followers believed that dreams were sacred gifts, windows into the soul, and that understanding one’s dreams couldn unlock hidden wisdom, creativity, and self-awareness. Sisig was honored through quiet contemplation, meditation, and rituals performed at dusk or dawn, the moments when the waking world and the dream world are closest.   Upon Nyctelios' return to this reality whereupon his mind was overwhelmed, he sought to free all aspects of the gods and he slew Sisig. And with their demise, dream became free and wild, no longer tamed by the Keeper of Dreams.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Nurture the Mind’s Quiet Moments. Dreams are born from silence and stillness. Take time to reflect and meditate, especially at dawn and dusk, when the boundary between the dream world and the waking world is thinnest.
  • Guard the Sanctity of Sleep. Sleep is a sacred journey into the dream world. Protect your rest and that of others, for it is in this state that the mind and spirit are renewed and where Sisig's guidance can be found.
  • Dreams Are the Threads of Fate. Understand that dreams weave together past, present, and future. What you dream today may be a whisper of tomorrow. Stay attuned to recurring patterns and visions, for they may signal destiny at work.
Alignment: Neutral
Divine Classification
Deity, deceased