Stag King

Stag King

The Stag King resides in the Court of Leaves and Whispers, nestled in the Autumn Court of the Feywild. The Stag King is never caught unaware or surprised, but rather, is only found when he desires it.   The Stag King’s glamour takes on several different forms, though the most common is that of either an antlered man or a white hart. He rarely communicates directly, relying instead to speak through the three Emissaries of the Stag King. It is not known if the Emissaries of the Stag King are three separate entities, or all aspects of the same one.   The Stag King and his Court embodies grace, a quality that sets it apart from other alpha animals, such as the bear, wolf, or shark. He is non-aggressive, unless provoked–a peaceful spirit, but will not back down if confronted. At the same time, he can swiftly and elegantly escape negative situations before their enemies even blink their eyes.   The Stag King also represents regeneration, as the stag sheds his antlers every year. He demonstrates that no matter how broken you feel, there is always the power to heal, evolve, and transform.   The stag’s majestic antlers are his crown. He is a noble beast and king of the forest. He symbolizes leadership by example instead of by fear. At the same time, he is willing to go to battle for his herd and will be the first to engage any threats. The land and its king are one.

Mental characteristics


The Stag King is bound by his word, and since they speak as his voice, the word of his emissaries.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Leaves and Whispers
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations