Starborn Lady

Starborn Lady

The Starborn Lady, ruler of the Court of Wind and Stars, is an elegant and solitary figure whose presence evokes the serene majesty of the night sky. She appears as a very tall, ethereal woman, her form draped in a flowing gown of deep midnight blue, adorned with shimmering silver threads that resemble constellations. Her skin is pale, almost translucent, and her eyes are like twin stars—cold, distant, and unfathomably deep. The light of the cosmos seems to swirl within her gaze, reflecting the secrets of the universe that only she understands.   Her form is delicate, almost otherworldly, with skin that glows faintly like moonlight and eyes that mirror the starry void above. Her hair, dark as the midnight sky, flows in waves that seem to capture and reflect the light of the stars. She wears robes woven from starlight and wind, flowing and ever-changing, like a nebula drifting through space. Her crown, made of silver and adorned with glimmering gemstones, sparkles with the light of distant constellations. The Starborn Lady's voice is soft and melodic, yet it carries the weight of millennia, like a whisper carried on the wind across the eons. She speaks rarely, preferring the company of the stars and the quiet of the night over the chatter of other beings.   The Starborn Lady’s connection to the heavens is profound. She spends much of her time in solitude, communing with the celestial bodies, reading the patterns of the stars, and contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Her court, though grand and awe-inspiring, is a place of stillness and introspection, reflecting her introspective nature. The fey of her court know that when she emerges from her seclusion, it is always with purpose, her actions guided by the wisdom gleaned from the stars.   While she is distant, the Starborn Lady is not unaware. She watches over her court and those who serve her with a quiet protectiveness, ensuring that the harmony of the wind and stars remains undisturbed. Her solitude is not born of disdain but of necessity, for her thoughts are vast and cosmic, reaching far beyond the concerns of the mortal world.   Those who seek her counsel must do so with reverence and patience, for she does not suffer interruptions lightly. Yet, for those who prove themselves worthy, she may reveal a fragment of the infinite knowledge she possesses—though such revelations often come with a price, for to glimpse the mind of the Starborn Lady is to brush against the very fabric of destiny.

Mental characteristics


  • She may not set foot upon mortal earth.
  • She may not witness dawn.
  • She cannot look upon her own reflection.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Wind and Stars
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations