Stingy Jack

Stingy Jack O'Lantern (a.k.a. Jack-o-Lantern, The Pumpkin King, Drunk Jack, Jack the Smith)

Stingy Jack, the ruler of the Court of Midnight Revelry, is a figure who embodies the eerie intersection of charm and malevolence. His appearance and demeanor reflect a lifetime of cunning, deceit, and unending revelry.   Stingy Jack is a striking figure, tall and slender, with a presence that commands both attention and unease. His skin is an otherworldly shade of pale, almost luminescent in the perpetual twilight of his court. His eyes are a piercing amber, constantly shifting and gleaming with an unsettling intensity. They seem to hold a depth of ancient secrets and a spark of mischief, reflecting his dual nature of charm and trickery.   Jack’s attire is both opulent and grotesque, a mix of high fashion and decay. He wears a dark, tailored three-piece suit that appears to be crafted from shimmering, shifting fabrics. The suit is adorned with intricate patterns resembling autumn leaves and curling vines, changing hues as he moves. This constant shifting mirrors the ever-changing nature of his court. His jacket is lined with a spectral, ethereal material that seems to flicker with ghostly light.   A high-crowned top hat, decorated with rotting flowers and twisted autumnal ornaments, sits jauntily atop his head. The hat’s brim is perpetually tilted, giving him an air of disheveled elegance. His hands are adorned with ornate rings and gloves that seem to ripple with dark enchantments, each accessory a symbol of his vast and sinister influence.   Once a mortal drunkard renowned for his sharp wit and cunning, Jack was infamous for his trickery and deceit. His mortal life was a series of reckless escapades and elaborate schemes, culminating in a fateful bargain with hell. At one point in his life, Jack was given three wishes. He used them to punish anyone who sits in his chair, takes wood from his tree, or tries to take his cobbling tools.   When the devil came to claim his soul, Jack tricked him to delay for ten years. When the devil returned to fulfill the contract, Jack once again outwitted the devil, this time nullifying the former bargain completely, though he was left alone in the dark and had to light his way with a candle set inside a hollowed turnip made to be a jack-o-lantern. Barred for hell, his soul found its way into the feywild, where an unending revelry began to form around him.   As a ruler, Jack is a master of dark humor and relentless cunning. His leadership style reflects his complex nature—his court’s festivities are characterized by a blend of grandiosity and an unsettling undertone. He delights in the macabre and the surreal, ensuring that the court’s celebrations are both enchanting and disorienting.   Jack’s presence is both a source of the court’s enchantment and a reminder of the dark bargains that define his existence. He is a figure of paradox—his charisma and charm are tempered by an underlying sense of menace and trickery. In the Court of Midnight Revelry, he reigns with an air of otherworldly elegance, a ruler who embodies the eternal dance between joy and fear.

Mental characteristics


Stingy Jack is not a typical fey and is unhindered by traditional fairy taboos.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Midnight Revelry
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations