The Allfather

Considered by his followers as the one true god, The Allfather encompasses all of creation. The Allfather does not reside among the rest of the pantheon and is either considered an upstart who has tried to steal credit and favor, or the one true deity whose truth is greater than the pretender pantheon which desperately holds onto fleeting power and lies. For followers of the Allfather, he is the only deity and every other is a pretender and liar and blasphemer.

The Oleander Throne worships the Allfather exclusively and have waged wars to try to spread his influence—a war which other pantheons and deities were slow to realize its devastation.

The Allfather is depicted as a capable warrior with silver hair and a silver beard who wields a giant war hammer into battle.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Trust only in the word of the Allfather, all others are pretenders.
  • Do not allow the pretender gods to spread their deceit, confront and silence them wherever you can.
  • Spread truth wherever you can. And the Allfather is truth.


His holy days are numerous, as he has taken over the holy days of other deities in conquered regions, but all recognize the first of the year as a new beginning for the Allfather and celebrate the accomplishments past and those to come.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Divine Classification