Thormod Gudasson

A Northlander whose ship was lost at sea after a storm. Of the sixteen crew, only five survived the storm but were left out in the middle of the sea with no mast and no supplies. As the days went on, he grew more and more hungry and as the others prayed to the gods to help them, Thormod forsook them, claiming that is was them that put them in this situation. He turned his back on them and pled for help from any that would hear. When one of the crew died of hunger, Thormod hirst heard the voice--Yeenoghu bade him that he would save them if he sated his hunger on the flesh of his comrades. Thormod slew the remaining crew and ate their flesh. The pains were gone, but the hunger remained. The ship made its way to land but Yeenoghu was not done with Thormod. He beckoned him to lure others to be devoured by his followers.   Thormod approached the League asking for escort back to his ship--a lie that made the party suspicious. While traveling with him, Levi overheard his prayers whenever there was food to eat:   The first gift is hunger.
It is His blessing.
It is our call to bring death.
The second gift is death.
Death proves our strength.
Death purges our fear.
The third gift is fear;
We fear that we will fail him.
We fear the onset of hunger.
  Thormod led the party to a group of gnolls, but the League was prepared and struck down Thormod and the gnolls.
Date of Death
13 Glanmoorhope 287 DR
Year of Death
287 DR
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the League