
Tieflings in the Moontide Isles are an often misunderstood people, their infernal heritage setting them apart in a land steeped Daoine and Northlander traditions. Unlike their counterparts in other regions, tieflings in the Isles are often believed to be touched by the fey as much as by their infernal ancestry. This duality makes them enigmatic figures—both feared and sought after for their connection to otherworldly forces.   In the Isles, tieflings are commonly born during times when the barriers between realms thin, such as during the solstices, eclipses, or when the mists roll in thick from the sea. Many believe that their infernal bloodline is a result of pacts made long ago between mortals and the fey, some even claiming that the Archfey of the Unseelie Courts played a role in shaping their destiny. As a result, tieflings are often associated with powerful magic and a deep understanding of the hidden currents of fate and fortune that run through the Isles.   Culturally, tieflings are often outsiders, though this isolation allows them to forge deep connections with the supernatural world. Many live on the fringes of society, residing in remote villages, isolated islands, or fey-touched forests where they are more attuned to the mystical energies of the land. Others are wanderers, traveling from settlement to settlement, trading in secrets, charms, and fey-touched relics. Despite their infernal heritage, tieflings are often called upon as mediators between the human clans and the fey courts, thanks to their innate understanding of both the mortal and the magical worlds.   Tieflings in the Moontide Isles sometimes adopt a more natural, almost primal aesthetic, with horns that resemble twisted branches or antlers, skin in hues of stormy blue, mossy green, or the deep, dark colors of the forest. Their eyes glow with an inner light, often mirroring the phases of the moon or the flickering of distant stars, further cementing their reputation as beings caught between worlds.   Although some view them with suspicion, tieflings have carved out their own place within the Isles' intricate social and mystical tapestry. They are often drawn to the study of arcane and druidic magic, blending their infernal talents with the natural and fey magic that permeates the Moontide Isles. Some tieflings even form their own secretive clans or cults, where they explore their unique abilities and commune with the fey or infernal patrons who watch over them.   Overall, tieflings in the Moontide Isles are a people of contradiction: both cursed and blessed, feared and revered, outsiders who hold a key to understanding the delicate balance between the human, fey, and infernal realms. They walk the mists with quiet power, always aware that their place in the world is unlike any other.