
Queen Titania (a.k.a. The Summer Queen)

Titania is one of the more outgoing Archfey. She often appears as an Eladrin of immense beauty with skin the color of honey and hair that shimmers in all the colors of autumn leaves. She might be hard to classify as strictly benevolent (she was known to be wrathful when spurned by lovers or faced with treachery from within the court). But she can be friendly when she wants to. Which is often, as she is the object of worship of many fey beings, including dryads, pixies, satyrs, treants, unicorns, sprites, and more.   Titania is said to watch over all fey beings and to some, she’s revered as a sylvan god. For her part, she has come to be associated with goodness and mercy among certain sects of the world.   She is said to cause the lands themselves to wax and wane according to her mood. Thus, crops would ripen and flowers would bloom at her smile. But her frown might spark wildfires. Or else her tears bring about torrential rain. Her being is tied to the world—as is that of her lover and partner and sometimes husband, Oberon, the Green Lord.   For all that she is an incomprehensible fey being, Titania is known for having a wry sense of humor and an appreciation for the foibles of mortals. As long as they know how to properly respect her and her green and wild lands.
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