Velthroon, The Vaunted

The Vaunted

Velthroon is a vain, selfish, petty, but very canny deity consumed with vengeance, obsessed with experimenting with living and dead beings, and unconcerned with the fate of lesser creatures. It is said that Velthroon once served Morganos but coveted her power. While the dead were her dominion, he found a way to steal from her through the creation of the undead. He first whispered the secrets of lichdom to the mortals and taught them how to raise the dead for their own power and exploitation. Morganos has since turned her back on Velthroon and opposes him wherever she can. His followers study death and life, creating undead and torturous new abominations both living and dead.

Velthroon is depicted as a handsome man—tall, slender, and pale with long raven black hair and piercing ice blue eyes. He often has a falcon perched on his arm, used to hunt and slay Morganos’s crows before they can return to her with a soul.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Knowledge is power, and knowledge of life and death brings power over all beings, living and unliving.
  • Life and death are the twin faces of eternal existence. To surrender to either is to resign oneself to obscurity.
  • You are the master of life and death. Make each serve you.


He has no formal holy days, but the most sacred rituals are performed on Winter’s Night, the eve of the year’s longest night, when the barrier between the living and the dead is at its thinnest.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Divine Classification