Ydarion's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother

Ydarion's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother is a new god whose ultimate motives are not fully understood. No one was more surprised at her granting of divine powers than her most ardent prophet. However, she first demonstrated her power during a ratcatching union negotiation, and that has been taken as a sign of her cause.   She is usually depicted in crude drawings of a dragon, though this is mostly because all of her followers are kobolds with little flair for the artistic.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Workers are indivisible. So don't divide workers.
  • Gain a fair return on work through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining means outnumber your opponent so they give up.
  • Make workplaces safer and more dignified. You should be allowed to eat the whole rat, tail and all.


Her holy day is Eat The Whole Rat Day, celebrated on the anniversary of the first divine power being granted on Wisphollow 24. On this day workers may ear the whole rat, tail and all, without fear of reprisal. For those kobolds who are not ratcatchers, they can eat whatever it is that they work on instead.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity