Yeenoghu, The Hunger

The Hunger

Yeenoghu's desires are savage in nature, wanting slaughter and destruction above all else. He takes great pleasure in inflicting terror and sorrow before his victim's deaths, destroying or perverting treasured possessions and crushing their hopes. He despises civilization and if he were to conquer, he would raze it all to the ground.   He views the gnolls as both his instruments and his children, who he seeks to use to bring his ideal world to fruition. Such a world would be one of endless combat and brutality, where gnolls ruled supreme and all other creatures would be either slaves or food.    One thing that all followers of Yeenoghu have in common is the Hunger. Yeenoghu imparts a painful, savage hunger that cannot be sated however much is devoured. This motivates his followers to continue forth, to constantly hunt and kill for more to eat and consume.   Yeenoghu appears as a gnoll-like creature 14 feet tall with a grinning skull-like face and a leering pair of burning emerald or amber eyes atop his seemingly emaciated form. A mangy, dark crest of fur reaches from his head to mid-back with the only hair on his body being small scabby patches. The rest of his body was brown and gray, his leathery hide contrasting with his taut mane and a crest of blackened spines within it.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Kill.
  • Devour to sate the hunger which cannot be sated.
  • Follow his commands, and you shall know blessings beyond your dreams.


Yeenoghu views no days as special. Every day has the same unending, insatiable hunger.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

A former Demon Lord who rose to minor divinity status, Yeenoghu looks to rise in power, affecting and growing in strength and influence throughout the realms.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Gnolls
Gnoll Lord
Lord of Savagery
Beast of Butchery
Ruler of Ruin