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Arcanum Protectoris

The Arcanum Protectoris are a group of magic users that are interested in uncovering the truths and mysteries of the cosmos and magic. They believe that all magic should be preserved and protected.   They are arch enemies to The Magi Eversor.


The Organization is structured into a heierarchal order and is deviated into two sects.   The Aquisitors:   The Aquistors purpose is in to be in the field. They are the ones who go out in the world and find magical objects. They are practical magic users, who are excellent duelers.   The Knowers:   The Knowers purpose is to research and study the magical objects and their whereabouts.   Acolyte- Acolytes are the first initial step in joining the order. They must study and take classes at the Magnus Arcanium, the headquarters for the order.   Novice Aquisitor- Novice seekers are the initial field agents for the order. While they are given missions for seeking out objects, they are oftne used as guards for carvans transporting magical items.   Journeyman Aquisitor- Journeyman aquisitors are the next level in the tree. They are oftne given independent missions to aquire certain rare magical items.   Prime Aquisitor- Prime aquisitor is the last level in the Seeker tree. These individuals are sent out to find the most wonderous and mysterious objects in the universe. This often even seeps into traveling to different planes of existence.   Novice Knower- novice knowers do research under a journeyman knower. It might be finding information to provide a seeker, helping them on thier assignments.   Journeyman Knower- Journeyman Knowers dive deep into the properties of magical items, learning what they do, and how to use them.   Prime Knower- Prime knowers delve into the deepest mysteries of the universe and the greatest of magical items. They often theorize about the nature of the cosmos, and offten research on how to contain and protects the most dangeorus magical items in the universe.   The Star and The Eagle The organziation is led by two leaders, who are elected by the Prime Aquisitor and Prime Knowers. The two co-rule the organization. The Star is the head of the Knower Branch and The Eagle is the rule of the Aquisitor Branch.


The Aquisitor sect oftens delve into fraternization and hazing. Playing jokes, and getting into mischeif. The Knowers have a strong culture of peacefulness, harmony, and respect. Often meditating and contemplating lore and knowledge over a fire.

"Protect and Learn"


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