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Dark Emperor, The Shadow of Mora, Malavan

Archemoros is the reigning emperor of the Region of Lemont. A massively powerful demi-god, Archemoros is amassing a large relgious army.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A massive man shrouded in dark energy. A black aura can be seen surrounding him at all times.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears jet-black armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A ruthless megalomaniac, Archemoros asscended to the throne of Lemont thousands of years ago. Since his asscessnion he has gone through periods of ruling over The Main Lands. He is immortal, and once defeated always returns centuaries later.

Intellectual Characteristics

Genius intellect

Morality & Philosophy

Archemoros believes that power is the true natural essence of all life and tha tone must do whatever they can to gain as much of it as possible.
Current Status
Amassing an Army for world domination.
Orange with dark red rings.
240 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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