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Age of Arcana

Age of Arcana

  -423 A.E. To -201 A.E   After the Colorless Flame had passed, the people tried to regain their destroyed lands. Much had been destroyed in the plague, and the road to recovery would be long and arduous. During this time a cabal of nine powerful mages declared dominion over Verous. Having found a method to keep their power secret, they survived the Plague and were now free to cast as they pleased.   Together these nine became known as The Keepers Arcane, or The Arcana. Those who resisted initially were struck down with severity, an act that lasted three days known as The Night of the Falling Stars. Afterward, The Arcana were unchallenged in their supremacy, and the lands were divided up as the peoples of Verous were forced into servitude. Any who gained magic were quickly indoctrinated into their ranks, keeping The Keeper’s of Arcane strong. Those who failed manifest any meaningful magic were simply put to work mining and laboring in squalor.  

The Arcana Wars

-200 F.E. to -41 F.E.   Their reign would not last forever. After several years of complete domination, The Arcana’s pride grew so that they each felt they were better than the others. The pride turned to squabbling, and, when the original Nine were suddenly slain in a clandestine ritual, the infighting grew into war.   The Keepers Arcane battled tirelessly as they forced their vassals into a terrible, petty war. As they feuded the lay people were able to recover ancient secrets lost to the Colorless Flame. Several bands and tribes rediscovered their history and powers, and rose up to challenge The Arcana. Once again Verous was embroiled in a wide spanning conflict with seemingly no end, for several stuck to their old grudges or relearned unresolved conflicts in ages past.

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