Happy Water Decanter
Crafted - Occulo Society
Happy Water Decanter
Wondrous Item
Rare Conjuration
The Decanter holds 10 Gallons worth of water. Whomever drinks from the spout imbibes cool, refreshing, pure water that tastes delicious. The water decanter will then refill at a rate of 1 Gallon per minute until full (as shown by a clean strip that runs up the side of the decanter.) Drinking from the spout takes an action. Should water be poured out, and not drunk from the spout, the water gushes out all ten gallons in one turn (6 seconds). The water sprays out in a 30 foot line, and anyone caught in the blast must make a DC 10 Strength Saving throw or be pushed the remainder of the distance between the target and the water lines' end point. The target must then make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. The person pouring out the water takes an action to do this. If the water is sprayed out instead of drunk, the face at the bottom of the decanter becomes angry and refuses to refill the water for 24 Hours. The decanter can be instantly refilled if the spout touches a Water Elemental Crystal, or is left in a body of water. This bottle can be refilled regardless of the face being happy or angry.A Crystal Blue bottle is a Sylvaner type bottle with arcane markings and a corked spout at the top. The bottom of the bottle has an engraved face, showing the general demeanor of the bottle. When it is happy (default), the bottle refills its water and keeps the water cool. When it is angry, it refuses to refill the bottle for 24 hours.
Cost: 2000 GP
Weight: 5
Item type
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