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Karthanian Ruins

"It has been 14 weeks and still no progress has been made. Every day the hordes of savages scratch at our walls and thin our numbers. Though we have supplies to last, morale is scarce, and even Azelag has expressed discontent. Not only that, but the other mention whispers at night when none are around. They say sometimes shadows move in strange ways in the fire light. That the nightly winds brings hollow fear and dread. I would call it superstition, and yet something about this place fascinates me so. Hopefully Mr. Bitter sends his emissary soon, but not after i've made some progress."  
  • Samwhain Gil, head of the Scarlet Hydra Mercenary Gang and member of the Occulo Society."
    "...[Vides'De] didn’t want to spend the night in these ruins that once gave him the chills. Ruins that felt devoid of life, haunted of an age long past. And yet, as he saw his clan, his friends and family, celebrate the Blood Moon Festival. As his grandson and Clem sang songs, together, similar to how their mothers would dance the nights away, he realized coming out here wasn’t so bad."  
  • Chieftain Vides'De of the Rosenhills Clan on returning to this site in 130 FE.
  • The Karthanian Ruins refers to the Ruins 1 hour due north of Yonara, deep in the Karthanian Plains. It houses the HOD KAVALAH, and when activated becomes a structure that controls weather within its structure.   Before this, the ruins were considered simply the wreckage of a history long forgotten, as even the Akacheta tribes don't recall what it once was.   Having been activated and attuned to Robin Weiss' person, the following changes occur while she is within threshold (and up to 60 FT above) of the ruins:  
    • Robin Weiss can use an action and adjust the temperature, weather, and climate of the structure.
    • Fahrenheit
    • She can adjust the weather to No Rain, Drizzle (Frost if cold), Rain (Hail or Light Snow if cold), Downpour (Blizzard if cold.) at a rate of 1 rank per hour in either direction.
    • She can change the climate between Arid, Continental, Temperate, and Tropical at a rate of one day per adjustment in any direction.
    During battle, Robin Weiss can activate the HOD KAVALAH's Defense System. To do this, she must channel 15 Spell Points into the HOD KAVALAH. The effects below begin immediately after her turn, after which she must maintain concentration. If concentration is broken, or Robin falls unconscious, then the Defense System deactivates and must be reactivated with an additional 15 Spell Points. Once the Defense System is activated the following occurs:
    • Robin, once the system is activated, can determine anyone within the threshold as either an Ally, Enemy, or Unknown. Allies gain the below benefits while Enemy and Unknown do not. Unknown can be changed to Ally or Enemy, but this decision cannot be changed until the Defense System is deactivated then reactivated. Anyone named Ally or Enemy remains as such until the Defense System is Deactivated.
    • All Allies, can ascend or descend floors of the buildings they are in without costing movement.
    • If any Allies roll a Natural 1 on a Spell attack roll, their roll does not crit-fail, and instead only counts as a 1.
    • If any Allies roll a Wild Magic Surge or Wild Surge (Rage), they can instead roll twice and pick the one they wish to activate.
    • Robin gains 5 Temporary hit points at the start of their turn, as long as they are conscious.
    • Robin knows and sees the location of each person, regardless of Ally, Enemy, or Unknown, within the building.
    • Robin can speak to Allies on her or their turn, regardless of their location, and they can reply in kind verbally or mentally. However, Allies must still communicate with one another in the normal way, but one ally can communicate to Robin, and Robin can relay the info to another Ally. This communication can only be heard by those Robin has deemed Allies.
    While the HOD KAVALAH's defense system is activated. On her turn she can do the following actions:
    • Lightning Shower: As an action, she can target a number of Enemies up to equal to her Charisma Mod + Prof. These enemies must make a Dex save against her Spell Save DC, or take 3d6 Lightning Damage, or half as much on a successful save.
    • Heavy Wind: As an action, Robin send a torrential gust of wind that can knock Enemy's prone. To do this, Robin chooses an enemy, and anyone within a 30 FT line (in a direction of Robin's choosing) must make a Strength Saving Throw against her spell save DC or be knocked prone.
    • Thoradli's Grace: As an action, Robin can grant one Ally the ability to move through an Enemy's square. In addition the ally is under the Disengage condition until the end of their turn.
    • Fog's Shroud: As an Action, Robin can cover a number of allies equal to her Charisma Modifier + Prof in a fog like shroud. This grants them +5 to their Stealth Roll.


    Built in the Mashica style.


    ???? - Structure was built.  
    • 114 F.E. - Vides'De, Olandro, and Citlali rescue members of the Akacheta and Voyagers who were held captive at this location.
    • 125 F.E. - Vides'De takes Alor Hilvar to the Ruins for study. Vides'De refuses to go in.
    • 130 F.E. Juneus 2nd - The Scarlet Hydra Mercenary Group, led by Samwhain Gil, occupy the territory on behalf of Mister Bitter.
    • 130 F.E. Gusterus 15th - Robin Weiss activates the HOD KAVALAH. With the help of her friends, they learn some of the secrets of these strange ruins.
    Founding Date
    Technology Complex
    Parent Location

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