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Tower of Akashia

"Behold! The oldest building in Verous. Be humbled and know that despite all the past heroes and champions, this alone has withstood the test of time."  
  • Unknown Cupri Poet on first visiting the Tower.
  • Purpose / Function

    Retain the sum of Verousian knowledge. Said to be the oldest structure of all time. Before the Rule of the Keeper's Arcane, it was the site of the Tapestry, a massive document said to contain the knowledge of everything that once was and will be.   It currently holds most of the found peieces of the Tapestry. It is separate from the rest of the monastery, with only significant government officials or members of the Syzigy allowed to enter. Otherwise one must receive the approval of 10 Clergymen, all having completed the 4th Catechism or higher if they wish to walk the halls.   It is guarded every day and night by a sect of the 20 Orders, though which one specifically remains a mystery.   It should be noted that magical effects and items are muted when in certain rooms of the Tower. None can discern how or why this occurs, only that they can tell.


    Unusually the Tower never seems to accept alterations. Since the defeat of the Arcana, the Tower has become lush with plant life, but sparse in its many hallways. When someone places removable ornaments like blinds or table clothes they will stay, but any attempts to alter the foundation, framework, or stonework reverts back to normal by midnight.


    Many believe the tower is alive, and as such if one needs to use a stairway to get to another level, or reach an outside hallway they tend to find it without meaning to. Many of the rooms, hallways, and stairways make little sense when logic is applied, except that the rooms never break through the outside walls.   The stone working is made of several cobalt blue and red stones. The deep red stones cover the floor while the cobalt blue makes up the walls.


    Before the War of the Tapestry, the Tapestry was held in the Central Citadel for all to see. When the Tapestry was torn, its severed pieces were scattered throughout the several unusual hallways. To this day people are still discovering the many halls, trying to find new pieces of the Tapestry.   During the War of the Tapestry, the Last Chosen Hero remained in the halls until the day came where they sacrificed themselves to stop the Colorless Flame Plague.   During the Keeper's Arcane's rule, it was a central hub in which all the Arcana would unite and consolidate their rule. It was also where the first Keeper's Arcane were struck down, severing the unity of the Arcana, and leading to the War of the Arcana that would last the next two hundred years.   It is also the site where, during the Liberation War, the Four Champions of the Gods, first fully united as one.
    -800 A.E.
    Alternative Names
    Akashic Tower, The Tower of Knowledge, The Everlasting Citadel
    World wonder
    Parent Location
    Owning Organization

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