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Celestials are servants or creations of the gods, and often these beings are the personification of good and justice, and for better or worse, they are always lawful to the divine laws laid down by the gods. Mostly the gods they serve. These beings range from pixies to what many mortals might consider to be angels in types, and most share a hatred for evil. Should a celestial fall from grace, they may see themselves being turned into devils and placed in charge of guarding and tormenting demons in Tartarus, though this fate almost never befalls any of the non-militant celestials. Celestials also act to some degree as messengers to mortals, forbearers of omens, and the carriers of prophecies; though prophecies have not been seen for a long time as many fey are content to remain at a distance from the mortal Morata.

Celestials are not designed to be avatars of the gods, but can be used as one, though this will always consume the life of the celestial once the act is finished. The guards and warriors of the gods are overseen by the archons, and will answer to them. Rarely these beings are used to create a terrible change on the world, and the gods far prefer the use of the Melody for that as it causes less lasting suffering for those who do not survive. For better or worse, these lawful and neutral good creatures will do as their masters laws or wills dictates.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Celestial
  • Sylvan (Understands, but does not speak)
200 - 250 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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