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Container of Heat and Frost

This heavy iron container is adorned with 3 arcane symbols along the edge of its removable lid. The container can hold up to 1 gallon of liquid. As an action, you can press 1 of the container’s arcane glyphs to heat the liquid inside to a boil (212 degrees Fahrenheit), chill it (33 degrees Fahrenheit), or maintain its current temperature (keeping it between 33 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit). Once pressed, the selected glyph glows either red, blue, or yellow, respectively.   It takes 1 minute to boil or chill a liquid. Pressing the glyph again as an action ends the heating or cooling process early. After boiling or chilling the liquid, the container maintains its hot or cool temperature, respectively.
Item type
Base Price
Item art and details created by the Griffon's Saddlebag.


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