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Danae's Tiny Tasty Tongue Twisty Sugarbombs

This small bag of marble sized gumballs contains 6 enchanted candies. While the color and flavor of each gumball is different, each one’s effect is the same. As an action, you can start to chew one of these gumballs to release its magic. For the next 5 minutes while you chew the candy, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. If you speak while chewing the gumball, your accent changes to sound like the creature to whom you’re listening: allowing you to sound like a local with minimal effort. The candy’s magic and flavor fade 5 minutes after you first start to chew it.   Upset stomach. You can only be under the effects of 1 sugarbomb that has this feature at a time. Eating a sugarbomb that has this feature while under the effects of another one causes the effects of the first sugarbomb to immediately end and be replaced by the new one’s. This rapid change is difficult to stomach, forcing you to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you gain the effects of the new sugarbomb, but become poisoned for 1 minute. On a success, you gain the effects of the new sugarbomb and are not poisoned.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Base Price
50sp per pouch of 6
Item art and details created by the Griffon's Saddlebag.


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