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Goblins are a race that is able to survive in very specific climates, preferring warm and temperate areas to colder climates, though if forced to, they will make do. A very determined and bloodthirsty bunch, they will often steal, raid, and plunder what they desire, and kill happily to do so. There is hardly an example of these tiny green savages without a tale of a town being left horribly scarred by the little wretches assaulting their people and goods. Though large bands of goblins are rare, these such colonies are incredibly dangerous as they often appear to grow in intelligence when there are more around.   The savagery shown by these beasties is unbefitting of civilized races, and much like gnolls, are to be dealt with swiftly and efficiently. A rare day is one where a civilized goblin is found, but any who are allies to the more noble of minds can be in turn taught to better themselves as the orcs before them. Most goblins will sooner look at a person attempting to convert them as call their friends to help kill them. One goblin means trouble. Five mean it's time to fight.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins reach adulthood at the age of 8.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Goblin
60 years
Average Height
1 metre
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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