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Guild of Tattooists

The Guild of Tattooists or Inkers Guild is a guild comprised entirely of highly trained tattooists around Morata. They regulate, oversee, and in rare cases hold Inker's Court for those in the guild who break the rules. Watched over by a council of twenty Inkers (ten mundane, and ten magical), this guild spreads over all continents and their art has been used to help or hinder hundreds. The guild does not allow for untrained Inkers to join the ranks, and instead has them first go through the intensive and lengthy training process regardless of magical potential, then they are apprenticed under an Inker with at least five years under their belt. 

Inkers take the guild very seriously, and the prices that are negotiated are seen as fair for both parties. Mundane Inkers get more frequent work consistently for much less of a cost, but the magical crossling Inkers take more coin when they get clients. If someone is seen using the guild's name without being a member, they are often tried at Inker's Court in spite of not being part of the guild; the council believes that if someone wishes to do wrong while using their name as a shield, then they should be tried as the member they claim to be.

Inker's Court is overseen by the Council as the judges, and twelve other Inkers as the jury. The trials can take as little as thirty minutes for a minor infraction, but can extend days for much larger felonies that have been charged. Punishments can include but are not limited to fines, suspension from inking, membership being revoked, and in extreme cases the defendant might lose their left hand. To be summoned to be before the Council for any reason is daunting, but they are usually far kinder than expected aside from when a trial is called into session. All Inker's Courts are held in a tattoo parlor.

Public Agenda

To safely monitor and practice the art of tattooing on Morata, and to ensure that the prices are fair for both the consumer and the artists.


  • Never allow one to acquire any tattoos while intoxicated.
  • Never remove a tattoo, no matter how bad, unless instructed.
  • Never allow a Magnum Opus to be seen without being earned.
  • Never maliciously mark someone, even if they are being crass.
  • Always ensure magical tattoos are respected.
  • Always use the cleaning kits. We are not having another Percival.
  • Always use inks a client provides as long as they are safe enough.
  • Never dabble in curses. Doing so will revoke your membership to the Guild.
  • Train any who seek it so long as they are willing to devote themselves to the intensive training.
Founding Date
150 CE
Guild, Craftsmen
Related Ethnicities


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