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One of the rarest creatures to walk on Morata is the lapines. These are fey creatures who watch over areas sacred to the gods, or over natural, undisturbed areas they refer to as their warrens. While they generally aren't aggressive, they will defend their locations tooth and nail. Sometimes when a warren the lapines protected have been destroyed, corrupted, or otherwise forced them out, they will instead wander with their fluffle to find a new warren to call home and protect. These fey are known to favor druids and refuse to let evil near their warrens without a fight.

The last lapine warren was documented about one thousand years ago, and sources are unreliable of the accuracy. Lapines thus have become the stuff of children stories and folklore. They were once believed to reside upon Hathil, Aelaes, Luxos, and Masia, but there is no conclusive evidence of this, such as there is no conclusive evidence of a 'Sundering' having happened outside of old religious texts. Thus, this species has been labeled extinct for the last four hundred years.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Lapines were thought to have prefered moderate to cold climates. The Hathil texts would suggest that (should they have existed at all) the Hathil lapines would have been a dwarf variety that stood no taller than .6 metres. The standard lapines would have been around .7-.8 metres tall, and the giant variety that Masian texts claim stood roughly around 1 metre.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Sylvan
  • Celestial
  • Broken Mora
70-80 years
Average Height
.6 metres - 1 metre
Geographic Distribution


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