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Mstitel'nyy, known as The Vengeful in Mora, is a Hathi vessel captained by Captain Lahritya Tsoveadala. The last recorded sighting of this vessel is contested. Some say it was seen at the mouth of Kalt Bay, by the settlement of Augers Tranen, but others say it was leaving the shores of Masia, bound for Luxos when it was last seen.     The vessel itself is a large galley with a crew of thirty, a navigator, and the first mate. One of the fastest and well known ships of the Tsoveadala fleet, it was constructed upon the thirteenth birthday of her captain as a gift from the king in an ancient tradition to strengthen the bonds of trust and loyalty. While not a ship for a noble family, it has beautifully made surfaces for more evasive manouvers needed to avoid ships of greater firepower and size. A ship befitting a liberator, or a pirate.

Power Generation

Wind and Sea Magic


Wind and sea magic
Creation Date
228 PE
Owning Organization


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