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The Green Wars

After the human landing upon Aelaes in 366 Chaos Era, the indigenous orc and tiefling tribes on the mainland were deemed a threat to humanity upon their new homeland. In the year 294 the human King Salis the Greater launched a war from the small port city of Port Leones against the inhabitants of Aelaes. This began with a series of failed landings on Nulka that were easily repelled by the dragonborn military back to what is now known as Pig Island, afterwhich the notion of taking the entirety of Aelaes was abandoned in favor of just the mainland. The main force of the human army began a series of quick raids against the nearby orc tribes, slaughting and pillaging their way around modern Gliomerea in the opening strikes of the Green Wars. As the orcs had originally made several agreements with the humans for territories, aided in food, and supplied them with both weapons and animals to help them survive, these raids were met with confusion and little battle due to being unprepared.   When the battles began to breech the boarders of the lands of the Great Rock Speaker tribe of orcs, they took up arms against the humans, though no others aside from a few bands of tieflings joined them at first as it was believed that the savage humans would soon realize they were greatly outnumbered and unable to defeat the number of orcs and tieflings that resided upon Aelaes. However, the humans used hit and run tactics and false promises of meetings they later denied as assassination attempts on them to whittle down the Great Rock Speakers until they were nearly all eradicated. The remnants of the Speakers would be largely unknown until some writings in orcish were discovered in 18 PE that solved the mystery; those who were not slain were taken as slaves for manual labor, or in the case of the female orcs often for the purposes of breeding them out.   The loss of the Great Rock Speakers resulted in several other tiefling factions joining a small but concerned number of orc tribes in countering the humans as they crossed deeper into what would later be called Tunsil and Lyrie. The first of the skirmishes was met upon Gilgroth's Tears (now Sigwyn's Mirror) in the Battles on the Lake. For six years the two groups exchanged control of the region until at last the humans broke through and pushed the defenders deeper into the grasslands. The orcs further north on Aelaes still maintained hope of peaceful coexistence, while the southern orcs and most tieflings were taking up arms as the humans continued their campaign to the west, claiming Lyrie with little trouble before meeting with a large war party of tieflings and orcs. This war party began the Blood Plains Battles that lasted for almost three years before the humans once more found victory, a growing number of human and orc crossling children within the ranks of the humans helping to both stagnate the will of the orcs to fight as well as bolster their forces. These crossling child solders would prove to be instrumental in the battles to come.    At the edges of Aegis Vandor the human army was pushed back a number of times in the failed Skirmishes of the Woods, the elves proving to be far superior in their abilities and mastery of their terrain than the humans could overcome. The humans abandoned the hopes of the elven lands and ignored the tabaxi lands of Cekys as well after some initial confrontation, having learned that they did best on the flatter terrains the tieflings and orcs occupied, and against foes that weren't already prepared for them. The elves and tabaxi were quick to ally with each other and help to guard their boarders and lands against the humans, occassionally helping the local tiefling and orc in fleeing by allowing them to cross into their lands for safety. While the humans would occassionally attempt to push at the boundaries of Aegis Vandor and Cekys, they would never hold any land for long before being pushed out violently.   As the humans took more and more lands, the orc tribes came together as a singular nation to fight against the army that burned the land and assaulted their people. Tieflings joined their fight as they recognized that if the orcs fell, then they would be next to suffer, and in 255 CE, the Omeric Conquests began with the Battle of Flames, where a battalion of humans were slaughtered within an hour for crossing into the territory of the defendors. This resulted in a ruthless tactic of the humans sending raiding parties into civilian territories to kill the warriors and elderly, and enslave the children and women for their own uses, lead by Harold Holhawk. This was known as Harold's Havoc, resulting in a large number of tieflings in the Omeric regions to lose heart in their combat, weakening the defences.   In 221 CE, a number of Harold's children led important campaigns against the allied orcs and tieflings in Kyr M'dram, what would later become Thyram. These made use of many of the major clans that had come from Luxos, and with their joined efforts pushed many of the larger, more dangerous factions into extinction. In 217, these houses were rewarded with estates, titles, and peerage by the grace of King Silas the Younger for their efforts, establishing the Thyram barony for the newly formed House Holhawk for their role in the Wars.   The continued pushes into the lands of the orcs and tieflings were met with resistance, though slowly the humans and their crosslings would slowly overpower them until in 170 CE the last of the orcs agreed to sign a treaty that turned over almost all of their lands to the humans, forcing them to live in the boggy regions of Askreiz, or seek refuge with the elves, tabaxi, or tieflings unless they wanted to survive as nomadic tribes. The Green Wars finally came to an end with the humans victorious.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
294 CE
Ending Date
170 CE
Conflict Result
Near eradication of the indigenous orc tribes, and the forciby converted the bulk of the orcs into the human ways and life.


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